All Console Commands for Project Zomboid

Console commands in Project Zomboid allow players to modify gameplay, troubleshoot issues, and access advanced features. Console commands offer significant advantages, including the ability to spawn items, alter character attributes, and manipulate the game world.

How to use commands in Project Zomboid?

Server Console

The server console is a powerful tool for server administrators to manage and control their Project Zomboid server. To access and use commands in the server console:

  1. Access the server console through the control panel of your hosting service or server management interface.
  2. Once in the console, type the desired command, prefixing it with a forward slash (/).
  3. Press Enter to execute the command.

Server console commands are used for server management tasks, such as kicking players, changing server settings, or spawning items for players. This method allows administrators to manage the server remotely and efficiently.

In-Game Chat

Players can also use certain commands directly in the game through the chat interface. To use commands in-game:

  1. Open the chat window (usually by pressing T or Enter).
  2. Type the command, starting with a forward slash (/).
  3. Press Enter to send the command.

In-game chat commands are used for player-specific actions or to communicate with administrators. The availability of commands may depend on the player’s permissions and whether they’re playing in singleplayer or multiplayer mode.

List of General Commands

General console commands are basic commands available to all players in both single-player and multiplayer modes. They provide essential functionality for game management and information retrieval.

Command Description Syntax
help Brings up the help menu /help
save Saves the current world /save
quit Saves and quits the server /quit

List of Multiplayer Commands

Multiplayer commands are specific to multiplayer environments, allowing players to interact with the server and other players. They include features for communication, player management, and basic server interactions.

Command Description Syntax
players Lists all connected players /players
servermsg Broadcast a message to all players /servermsg “message”
changepwd Changes your password /changepwd “pwd” “newPwd”
releasesafehouse Releases a safehouse you own /releasesafehouse

List of Admin Commands

Admin commands are for server administrators and moderators. These commands allow for user management, server configuration, and maintaining order in multiplayer environments. Use these commands responsibly to manage players, adjust server settings, and enforce rules.

Command Description Syntax
adduser Adds a new user to the whitelist /adduser “user” “pwd”
addalltowhitelist Adds all current users connected with a password to the whitelist /addalltowhitelist
addusertowhitelist Adds a single user connected with a password to the whitelist /addusertowhitelist “user”
removeuserfromwhitelist Removes a single user from the whitelist /removeuserfromwhitelist “user”
banid Bans a Steam ID /banid “SteamID”
unbanid Unbans a Steam ID /unbanid “SteamID”
banuser Bans a user /ban “user”
unbanuser Unbans a user /unban “user”
grantadmin Gives admin rights to a user /grantadmin “user”
removeadmin Removes admin rights from a user /removeadmin “user”
kickuser Kicks a user from the server /kickuser “user”
setaccesslevel Set the access/permission level of a player /setaccesslevel “user” “[admin | moderator | overseer | gm | observer]”
voiceban Ban a user from using the voice feature /voiceban “user” [-true | -false]
changeoption Changes a server option /changeoption option=”newOption”
reloadoptions Reloads server options /reloadoptions
showoptions Shows a list of current server options and values /showoptions

List of Rcon Commands

RCON (Remote Console) commands allow server administrators to manage the game server remotely. These commands provide powerful tools for manipulating game elements, player attributes, and server conditions without needing to be in-game. They are particularly useful for server management and addressing player issues from outside the game client.

Command Description Syntax
additem Gives an item to the player /additem “user” “module.item”
addvehicle Spawns a vehicle /addvehicle “user”
addxp Gives XP to a player /addxp “user” “perk=XP”
teleport Teleports to a player /teleport “toUser” or /teleport “user” “toUser”
teleportto Teleports to certain coordinates /teleportto x,y,z
godmode Makes a player invincible /godmode “user”
invisible Makes a player invisible to zombies /invisible “user”
noclip Allows a player to pass through solid objects /noclip “user”

List of Debug Commands

Debug commands are used to diagnose issues, monitor performance, and analyze game behavior. These commands provide insights into the game’s internal workings and can be valuable for troubleshooting or gathering detailed information about game processes.

Command Description Syntax
sendpulse Toggles sending server performance info to the client /sendpulse
replay Records and plays a replay for a moving player /replay “user” [-record | -play | -stop] “filename”

List of Cheat Commands

Cheat commands allow players to alter game mechanics, spawn items or events, and modify character attributes outside of normal gameplay. They are primarily used for testing, demonstration purposes, or you can enhance single-player gameplay with cheat menus.

Command Description Syntax
additem Gives an item to the player /additem “user” “module.item”
addvehicle Spawns a vehicle /addvehicle “user”
addxp Gives XP to a player /addxp “user” “perk=XP”
godmode Makes a player invincible /godmode “user”
invisible Makes a player invisible to zombies /invisible “user”
noclip Allows a player to pass through solid objects /noclip “user”
createhorde Spawns a horde near a player /createhorde “number”
alarm Sounds a building alarm at the admin’s position. Must be in a room /alarm
chopper Places a helicopter event on a random player /chopper
gunshot Makes a gunshot noise near the player /gunshot
startrain Starts rain on the server /startrain
stoprain Stops rain on the server /stoprain

List of Singleplayer Commands

Singleplayer commands are specifically designed for use in the singleplayer mode of Project Zomboid. They allow players to modify various aspects of their game, including spawning items, altering player abilities, and manipulating the game environment.

Command Description Syntax
additem Gives an item to the player /additem “module.item”
addvehicle Spawns a vehicle /addvehicle
addxp Gives XP to the player /addxp “perk=XP”
godmode Makes the player invincible /godmode
invisible Makes the player invisible to zombies /invisible
noclip Allows the player to pass through solid objects /noclip
teleportto Teleports to certain coordinates /teleportto x,y,z
createhorde Spawns a horde near the player /createhorde “number”
alarm Sounds a building alarm at the player’s position. Must be in a room /alarm
chopper Places a helicopter event on the player /chopper
gunshot Makes a gunshot noise near the player /gunshot
startrain Starts rain in the game /startrain
stoprain Stops rain in the game /stoprain

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